
Friday, October 18, 2019

Jaycie Greenberg Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has a new visitor! Jaycie Greenberg is a skin cancer awareness advocate, a talented twirler, and the current Miss
Liberty. I was thrilled that she was willing to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more.

So let's see what happens when Jaycie Greenberg visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Liberty crown?
I celebrated with my family, directors, and the other titleholders! We all got dinner at Margaritas and talked about the exciting things we have to look forward to throughout our year. It was a great way for us all to get to know each other and start our year off right. 

What did you learn about yourself at the Miss Liberty competition that will help you at Miss New Hampshire?
Most of all, I learned that I am my most successful when I feel at ease and relaxed.  Competing for local titles can be stressful because it is a huge opportunity and stepping stone.  Women like myself put many hours and months of preparation into just those few hours of competition.  It is easy to let the nerves get the best of you, but I believe the judges are truly looking to learn about you as a person and it’s difficult to do that if you’re not relaxed. 

What are you most looking forward to about your time as Miss Liberty?
I am really excited for the chance to work with large organizations like the Melanoma Foundation, American Academy of Dermatology, and The Skin Cancer Foundation to continue learning about Skin Cancer and distributing educational materials.  The Skin Cancer Foundation has programs like “Your Skin is In” which target high school students and encourage them to avoid tanning beds for prom.  It’s pledges and curriculums like these that can have huge impacts on the lives of those most at risk for Melanoma. I hope to use the title of Miss Liberty to reach a larger audience and give real life examples of how skin cancer impacts the lives of many.

How did you select your social impact initiative “Skin Cancer Awareness & Prevention”?
I chose my social impact initiative because my grandfather died
from malignant Melanoma. He owned his own plumbing and heating business, and worked many hours outdoors. During this time, he was unaware of how his time outside was negatively impacting his health.  I want to be sure that no one goes unaware of the hazards of extended sun exposure.  My mother has also had cancerous moles removed and I feel it is extremely important to make sure that people know how best to protect themselves and spot possibly life threatening moles.  A large aspect of my social impact initiative is empowering young adults to choose the health of their skin over the short-term "benefit" of having a tan. 

You were a twirler at North Carolina State University. Does that experience help you when performing your talent during a competition?
It definitely does! I had the opportunity to perform for 50,000 people at Carter-Finley Stadium and even larger audiences for away games and Bowl Games.  I try to channel the booming excitement of a football stadium when I perform for any audience.  

What is your personal fitness routine?
Baton twirling helps to keep me fit, but I love to have a wide variety of activities when I exercise.  I typically start my morning with a walk and will go to different exercise classes like Body Pump, Barre, and hot yoga.  I try to set small but frequent fitness goals to keep myself motivated and on track!

Who is your favorite Red Sox player? Why?
Big Papi is and probably always will be my favorite Red Sox player.  He is a true legend!

Is there a feature or activity at Fenway Park you would especially like to experience?
It has always been a dream of mine to throw out the first pitch at a Red Sox game!

What were you doing when the Red Sox won the 2018 World Series?
I was surrounded by fellow Northerners in Raleigh, NC at the Talley Student Union watching on a giant projector.  There were Red Sox hats flying with excitement!


That must have been so much fun!

As always, I want to thank Jaycie for doing this interview, and for sending along the incredible pictures. They really make the post a lot more fun to read.

As Jaycie continues her time as Miss Liberty, I encourage you to follow her on her official Facebook page. You should also follow her on her official and personal Instagram accounts. They’re all great ways to see what she’s up to during her year with the crown.

I also want to wish Jaycie luck when she competes for the Miss New Hampshire crown. It’s been quite a run of former visitors winning that crown, and it would be amazing to have another former visitor take home that title!

Thanks again Jaycie, and good luck!

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