
Monday, February 25, 2019

I'm Not Sure I can Stomach Another Season of Boston Media

It seems like so long ago that Rick Pitino famously said at a press conference that the negativity in this town sucks. He was frustrated at a media and fan base that always compared things to the best of times. Or, even the best of possibilities. He tried to remind everyone that “Larry Bird’s not walking through that door” to suggest that they needed to lower expectations. You can't always have a top-five all-time player on your team. What Pitino didn't realize is, it wouldn't have mattered.

The media would still be negative even if Larry Bird did walk through the door. I understand the frustration.

Because, they are today.

Look at the Red Sox 2018 season. The team was a machine. Mookie Betts is the best player in baseball, and the best player the Sox have had in quite some time. Chris Sale is an ace like few teams have. Price and Porcello as your number 2 and 3 starters is almost unfair. They had an elite closer. They had young stars. They had everything you need. Everything you want. They had a team that cruised to 108 wins, and then another eleven in the postseason.

And the media ripped them to shreds all season. The hitters were too inconsistent. The pitchers were overpaid. Price needs to lay off the video games. Sale isn't durable. Kimbrel’s a heart attack closer. The bullpen is awful. They'll be lucky to make the wild card game. No chance they'll advance. All year we heard that. One they won the division, they'd never beat the Yankees. They’ll never beat the Astros. No way that bullpen will get them past the Dodgers. No way that bullpen will be good next season. It was one complaint after another. It made a season really hard to enjoy, even after 119 wins.

After the Sox were world champs, it was time to turn their attention to the Patriots. They were terrible. Sure, they have the best quarterback and tight end every to play the game. Sure their head coach is legendary. Yes, they were rolling their way to the division title. But, it was smoke and mirrors. They can't win on the road. They sleepwalk. They're not nearly as good as the Chiefs...a team they already beat. The team was a fluke play away from the top seed in the AFC, but they were apparently terrible. The Chargers are so good on the road, they could beat the Pats. No way the Patriots can win in Arrowhead. That Rams offense is going to destroy the Pats defense. Sure, they won the Super Bowl...but they're in terrible shape for next year.

After two Boston championships, they turned their attention to the Celtics. They also have a top-five player. Another couple all-stars. A couple top young talents. But, they're no good. They're currently fifth place in the conference, but have no hope. They're inconsistent. They sometimes lose games they shouldn't. That will kill them in the playoffs. Kyrie is maybe gone at the end of the season. Maybe probably he’s changed his mind? Let’s ask him every day if he’s changed his mind.

It's a constant theme. Even if they're good now, they won't be good later.

Which brings us full circle to the Red Sox. Did you hear that the Red Sox didn’t sign a big free agent closer this offseason? I bet you didn’t know that the season is doomed because of it. Again. Even though they’re the defending champs, winning without a bullpen, they can’t win without a bullpen.

It’s started already.

And I don’t know if I can handle it

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I live in Red Sox nation, but not in New England.
