
Friday, April 20, 2018

Jillian Zucco Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Jillian Zucco is a singer, a Red Sox fan, and the current Miss Massachusetts. We've been trying for
some time to get schedules to allow her to visit with us. I'm glad we were finally able to make it work, and I hope you enjoy what she had to say as much as I did!

So, let’s see what happens when Jillian Zucco visits Section 36!

After finishing as the runner up in the previous two Miss Massachusetts competitions, what was going through your mind this year when it was down to just you and Summer Foley in the final two?
Actually, we don’t narrow the winner from a Top 5 in Mass. We announce the runners-up and winner from the top 11. (It’s nice because the 1st runner-up still gets her moment. It’s an important position!) After they called the first runner up, I just kept telling myself that what’s meant to be will be. Regardless of the outcome, I was truly so happy with my run in the Miss Massachusetts program. I found best friends, earned loads of scholarship money,
and had so many incredible experiences. It would have all been worth the 5 years of competing even if I hadn’t won. However, I was hoping to fulfill my dream of performing on the Miss America stage. I believed I was ready and that I could do it. I had faith that this would be the year I won. Then I did, and I was elated!!!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Massachusetts crown?
My family and I went out for sushi the next day. I love my family, and I love sushi. I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate. 😍

As a talented singer, you have been able to perform the national anthem at many venues, including Fenway Park, Gillette Stadium, and the TD Banknorth Garden. Of all the anthems you’ve sung, which one stands out the most?
Singing at the iconic and historic Fenway Park stands out the most
for me. The energy in Fenway is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. The fans are one big family. I felt that energy tenfold while standing out on the field before singing. There’s something special about singing "The Star-Spangled Banner” to kick off America’s pastime in the birthplace of America. 

We were all so excited to see you compete for Miss America. What is your best memory from that experience?
I cried when I walked onto the Boardwalk Hall stage for the first
time. I’ll never ever forget that moment. I’ll also never forget every second I spent laughing, eating, and lifting weights with my Miss America roommate, Chelsea Dubczac. She is Miss Iowa and is now one of my best friends!

Your platform is “Choose a Cause, Make a Difference.” Why is that important?
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the United States’ volunteer rate has been steadily declining for over a decade. With tight budgets, nonprofits and charities cannot afford indifference by the public. Volunteering is an American core value. The “right to form voluntary associations” is actually included in the US Constitution. Volunteerism builds communities, strengthens a volunteer’s skills, offers networking opportunities for the volunteer, and is FUN when you involve your friends and family. We need to inspire MORE people to volunteer before this becomes a serious national issue. 

You work full-time as an Registered Nurse. Is it difficult to balance that career with the duties of being Miss Massachusetts?
I’d be lying if I said that it has been easy.  Thankfully, my
supervisor  has been so supportive and understanding, recognizing that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!  To keep up with my responsibilities and projects, I make a ton of lists, keep a paper calendar, and try to get to bed at a decent time when possible.

What is it like for you to watch Chris Sale pitch?
When I watch Chris Sale pitch, I know I’m watching history in the making. Incredible. Also, his teammates AND opponents have made positive comments about him as a person, not just as a player. That says a lot. 

Is the Benintendi-Bradley-Betts outfield the best you’ve ever seen?
I loved Johnny Damon, Manny Ramirez and Trot Nixon together.
They were so great. I was 10 in 2004 and remember being glued to the television screen or in awe going to games with my Dad. I’d say this outfield is the best we’ve had since 2004.

Last season, the Red Sox seemed to miss David Ortiz’s presence, much like fans did. What is your favorite Ortiz memory?
Every walk-off hit! 

How will the Red Sox do in the 2018 season?
They’re going to be World Series contenders, for sure!!


That sure makes sense to me!

As always, I want to give a huge thank you to Jillian for taking the time to visit with us. I also want to thank her for setting me straight on how Miss Massachusetts is awarded. Ashamed to say I even watched her crowning, and still missed the fact that the stage was full of people. Another big thank you to her for providing the wonderful pictures to go along with the interview. There are plenty of them, and they definitely made the post much better.

As Jillian finishes her term as Miss Massachusetts, be sure to keep track of her on all the official Miss Massachusetts social media accounts: TwitterInstagramFacebook, and even Snapchat

Thanks again for the visit Jillian!

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