
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Feel Good About Looking Good

Many of you will recognize Bryanne from her many contributions to this blog. She’s always been willing to send in pictures for me to post, whether she’s watching a game in Fenway or climbing New England’s highest mountain. The sheer volume of quality pictures she’s sent in has definitely been a godsend to this blog. In many of those pictures she has been shown sporting a Section 36 tank top. Again, she seems to wear it everywhere which is just awesome from my point of view.

As it happens, Bryanne will be running in Muckfest Boston next month. If you don’t know, Muckfest is a five-mile obstacle course that raises money for MS research. As part of that, Bryanne is raising money to donate through her team, the Lucky Muckers.

With such a great cause being supported by such an asset to the blog, I felt Section 36 should try to help. Taking my cue from her willingness to frequently wear her Section 36 tank top I’ve decided that all my profits from sales of Section 36 gear for the rest of April will be donated though her Muckfest team. That’s 15% of the purchase price!

Even better for you, the Section 36 store will be having a sale starting today and running through the weekend! It’s the perfect time for you to get the gear you’ve been thinking about getting at a lower price, and help support a great cause at the same time!

So head on over (HERE) and get a tank top of your own. Or a tee. Or a hoodie. Or even a sticker or coffee mug! You can feel good knowing that 15% of that purchase price will be used to support Bryanne in her efforts to help find a cure for MS. (You should also check out her Muckfest team page to find other ways you can help.) It doesn’t get much better than that.

You really can feel good about looking good.

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