
Monday, April 16, 2018

36 Pack Wax Match: Pack 15

The Stage has been set. The Match is underway. Who will come out on top? There’s only one way to find out.

Keep going, and open that fifteenth pack!

As we dive into this pack, 1988 finally started to chip away at 1990's lead with a victory in pack 14! Can it keep closing the gap? Let's see!

Yankees -2
Well, that's a bad start for 1988. Frankly, it's just a bad card overall. A picture of Bill wearing an unmarked blue jacket? Geez, he could be me sitting around posing for pictures. 

Hall of Famer +1
The Wizard of Oz gets a point back. At least his shirt has a logo on it! 

Red Sox +2
This Red Sox card allows 1988 to finish in the black. A nice action shot too...if his left arm wasn't cropped out of the photo.

And that's where the scoring ends for 1988. Can 1990 perform better?

Yankees -2
Not like that it can't! Sure, it's a nice picture. Most of everything even shows up in the frame. But, it's still negative points for the pack.

Hall of Famer +1
1990 Gets one back with this great dual shortstop card. Not the world's most creative title for this Superstar Special. Even with both players playing for "bird" teams, Fleer went the boring route.

Unfortunately for 1990, that's where the scoring ends! That allows 1988 to take the pack, and continue chipping into that lead. 

Box Bottom: 1988 +1 (1-0)
Pack 1:  1990 +6 (1-1)
Pack 2:  1990 +4 (2-1)
Pack 3:  1988 +3 (2-2)
Pack 4:  1990 +1 (3-2)
Pack 5:  1990 +1 (4-2)
Pack 6:  1988 +2 (3-4)
Pack 7:  1988 +3 (4-4)
Pack 8:  TIE   +0 (4-4)
Pack 9:  1990 +2 (5-4)
Pack 10: 1990 +4 (6-4)
Pack 11: 1990 +4 (7-4)
Pack 12: 1990 +1 (8-4)
Pack 13: 1990 +5 (9-4)
Pack 14: 1988 +3 (5-9)
Pack 15: 1988 +2 (6-9)

What will happen next time?

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