
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

36 Pack Wax Match: Pack 10

The Stage has been set. The Match is underway. Who will come out on top? There’s only one way to find out.

Keep going, and open that tenth pack!

As we dive into this pack, 1990 has retaken the lead in the match thanks to its resounding victory in pack nine! Can it extend its lead? Let's see!

Hall of Famer +1
1988 Jumps right into it. This Murray card brings a quick point. Once again, not a fan of how the stripes on Murray's sleeve contrast with the stripes on the card. Especially on his left sleeve.

Yankees -2
Oops. Even though the card is only half filled with Yankees, it still loses the full two points!

Hall of Famer +1
This great card of Reggie Jackson brings 1988 another point, and takes its total back to zero. Can it keep that momentum?

Yankees -2
Yikes. Or, you know, completely reverse the momentum? This Yankees card once again makes the pack go negative.

Unfortunately, that's where the scoring ends for this pack. Can the 1990 back somehow do even worse?

Red Sox +2
The 1990 set takes the advantage with another wonderful looking Red Sox card. Some might say it's too tightly cropped since it cut off his arm and foot. But, I like the idea that there's just so much action that it can't be contained within the frame.

Good news for 1990, that's where the scoring ends! It grabs its second pack in a row to extend its lead.

Box Bottom: 1988 +1 (1-0)
Pack 1:  1990 +6 (1-1)
Pack 2:  1990 +4 (2-1)
Pack 3:  1988 +3 (2-2)
Pack 4:  1990 +1 (3-2)
Pack 5:  1990 +1 (4-2)
Pack 6:  1988 +2 (3-4)
Pack 7:  1988 +3 (4-4)
Pack 8:  TIE   +0 (4-4)
Pack 9:  1990 +2 (5-4)
Pack 10:1990 +4 (6-4)

What will happen next time? 

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