
Friday, February 23, 2018

Kaley Missert Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Kaley Missert is a talented musician, a Red Sox fan, and the current Miss Liberty. I was
thrilled when she agreed to visit with us to discuss those topics, and a few more. Hope you enjoy what she had to say!

So, let’s see what happens when Kaley Missert visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate winning the Miss Liberty crown?
I celebrated winning by going out to a local restaurant in Concord with some friends that came to cheer me on at the competition! It was really nice after a long day competing being able to relax and catch up with them.

What has surprised you the most about your time as Miss Liberty?
One thing that has really surprised me about being Miss Liberty has been how close the community of Concord is! I grew up in Southern New Hampshire so I have only really been up to the State’s Capitol on special occasions. However, at every event I’ve done up at Concord so far during my year everyone in the community has been very supportive of each other, as well as my journey to Miss New Hampshire.

What have you learned from your past pageant experiences that will help you at the Miss New Hampshire competition?
If I have taken away one big lesson from competing so far, it’s to just take a step back to relax and enjoy myself! I truly do love competing and have met some amazing people through this organization: from local directors, the board, other contestants, and everyone in between! 

How did you select your platform, “Devon Nicole House”?
Devon Nicole’s House is a charity that is very near and dear to my
heart. It was actually opened in June of 2004 by my parents Thomas and Deanna Missert in memory of my younger sister, Devon Nicole. Devon Nicole’s House has provided a “home away from home” for hundreds of families who have children seeking treatment at Boston Children’s Hospital from all 50 states, as well as from nations around the world. Taking trips to Devon Nicole’s House to drop off home cooked meals, greeting cards, and other donations from local businesses is one of my favorite things to do. Even just going to the house to visit with staff and families is truly an amazing experience.

You play the piano for the talent portion of competitions. How do you decide which piece you'll be playing?
I take a lot of different aspects into consideration while choosing my piece! I love playing more technically difficult pieces and I absolutely love classical music. However, at the same time I want to make sure I play a piece that will grab the audience’s and judge’s attention with entertainment value! Usually, I try to aim for a piece somewhere in between. I’m very excited for this year’s selection!

You’re also an accomplished French Horn player. What do you like most about that instrument?
That’s a tough question! I really appreciate classical music and the Horn has a lot of great pieces of literature to read! I’ve had the opportunity to play a lot of amazing pieces throughout the years including The Planets Suite by Gustav Holst and Festive Overture by Shostakovich. I am currently working on Mozart’s third horn concerto in Eb as well as Tchaikovsky’s 5th symphony, which features the horn. However, one of my favorite parts about being involved with music in general has got to be the community! I’ve met so many great and talented people from different ensembles I’ve played in, festivals and workshops I’ve performed in, and more! Having the opportunity to work with such talented musicians on a daily basis from my peers to my professors is quite inspiring.

Who was your favorite Red Sox player growing up? Why?
My favorite Red Sox player growing up was definitely David Ortiz! He helped reverse the curse and he was really prolific in the community as well as a great player and role model. His efforts both on and off the field are outstanding. It’s hard not to look up to him!

What is your favorite Red Sox memory?
My favorite Red Sox memory has got to be going to see a game
with my senior class right before graduation in 2016! It was so awesome going to Fenway with the people that I grew up in one big group. Not only did we get to celebrate a Sox win, but all of our successes throughout the year as well!  

What are you most looking forward to about the 2018 Red Sox?

I’m looking forward to see how Alex Cora takes control of the team! The last time the Red Sox had a new manager they won the world series, so I am hoping there will be a similar result!


I like the sound of that plan!

As always, I want to thank Kaley for visiting. I’m flattered she agreed to spend the time with us. I also want to thank her for sending along the fantastic pictures that accompany the interview. They matched up perfectly with the answers. 

As Kaley continues her time as Miss Liberty, I encourage you to follow her on the official Facebook page. 

And, of course, I want to wish Kaley luck this summer when she competes for the Miss New Hampshire crown. At this point, more than half the competitors on stage will have visited Section 36. How awesome would it be for one of them to come out on top?

Thanks again Kaley, and good luck!

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