
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

36 Pack Wax Match: Pack 8

The Stage has been set. The Match is underway. Who will come out on top? There’s only one way to find out.

Keep going, and open that eighth pack!

As we dive into this pack, the 1988 set has completely closed the gap and tied the match thanks to its pack seven victory. Can it keep going? Let's see!

Red Sox +2
That's a great start! A rookie card of Jody Reed would have brightened my day in 1988. Can I bring this box back in time?

Yankees -2
Well, easy come easy go. This Yankees card brings the pack back down to zero. And, bad news. That's the end of the scoring cards from 1988. This is going to be tough.

Let's take a look at the scoring cards from 1990!

OK. There they were. All the scoring cards from 1990!

Yup, the 1990 pack also had a score of zero. So, we have a tie pack! In a tie match! How exciting!

Does anybody want to win?

Box Bottom: 1988 +1 (1-0)
Pack 1: 1990 +6 (1-1)
Pack 2: 1990 +4 (2-1)
Pack 3: 1988 +3 (2-2)
Pack 4: 1990 +1 (3-2)
Pack 5: 1990 +1 (4-2)
Pack 6: 1988 +2 (3-4)
Pack 7: 1988 +3 (4-4)
Pack 8: TIE   +0 (4-4)

What will happen next time? 

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