
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

36 Pack Wax Match: Pack 3

The Stage has been set. The Match is underway. Who will come out on top? There’s only one way to find out.

Keep going, and open that third pack!

As we dive into this pack, the 1990 set has taken the lead thanks to its pack two victory. Let's go!

Red Sox +2
1988 starts things off much better this time! Not only did it make it past the sticker, but it gets positive points! A great card too. If you're not going to have a collision picture, this is about as good as a catcher card gets. Full gear, trying to make a play. With the head extending into the border, it makes Gedman larger than life.

Yankees -2
And just like that, 1988 falls flat again. Back to even.

Hall of Famer +1
Look at this great card. I was tempted to give it two points for having two Hall of Famers. But, for one thing, Trammell isn't officially inducted yet. For another, the rules clearly say "Hall of Famer card" not "Hall of Famer on card" so, it's just one point even if Fernandez were in the Hall too.

Red Sox +2
One more big score for 1988. Another great catcher card. This would have been a pretty sweet pull for a Red Sox fan back in 1988, and it brings the 1988 pack total to +3. Can 1990 catch them?

Hall of Famer +1
It certainly jumps right out of the gate with another catcher. This one's a Red Sox Hall of Famer, but he's wearing the wrong color Sox on the card, so it's just the one point.

Yankees -2
It's one step forward, and two steps back. The Yankees card drops the pack into negative points.

Hall of Famer +1
And, back to even as the pack closes out with a Hall of Famer. Unfortunately, for 1990, this is where the scoring ends up.

The 1988 pack holds with its total of +3 to take the third pack match.

It also ties the  overall score two to one in this back and forth battle.

Box Bottom: 1988 +1 (1-0)
Pack 1: 1990 +6 (1-1)
Pack 2: 1990 +4 (2-1)
Pack 3: 1988 +3 (2-2)

What will happen next time?


  1. Love it. It's sort of the same thing I do when I open packs, but my system is so intricate and broad that I literally have no idea how to quantify it.

    1. I had considered a complex system of assigning values to certain players, or all-stars, or player weights. But I decided I actually wanted to enjoy opening the packs, so kept it simple and fun.
