
Friday, August 11, 2017

Erin Connor Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Erin Connor is a pilot, a Red Sox fan, and the current Miss Vermont. She was nice enough to take
time away from preparing for next month's Miss America competition to visit with us to discuss those topics, and more. I'm so thankful that she did. Following Alayna and Rylee, she became the third consecutive Miss Vermont to visit. How wonderful.

So, let's see what happens when Erin Connor visits Section 36!

How did you celebrate being crowned Miss Vermont?
I celebrated being crowned Miss Vermont by saying a prayer. I am a religious person and wouldn't have gotten to where I am without the help of the big man upstairs, my family, and my friends. I said a prayer of thanks for the title and for the people that are in my life! Then I went home and ate a dinner with  my family. I downed artichoke dip like it was my job.

You’re a long-time pilot. What’s your favorite part about being in the air?
My favorite part of being in the air is being able to see the incredible views. I trained for months to try and hone up my piloting skills and being able to witness the beauty of Vermont's landscape is the reward for me!

Your platform is Tailwinds: Training a New Generation of Female Scientists. How did you come up with that selection?
My Grandfather was a big inspiration for me to get into flying. He knew how crucial it was to have a variety of people in the field, especially women because they brought a different perspective to the table. After he passed away I wanted to keep his memory alive and use what he taught me to help others, especially women. I got certified as a private pilot and developed a platform that empowers women, pushes back against gender stereotyping, and educates girls about career opportunities in STEM.

Your talent involves American Sign Language. How did that performance come together?
I have some deaf family and friends and my mom was an American Sign Language teacher at the University of Vermont. I used to go to classes with her when I was younger and help teach the classes! I was signing better than the college kids at 8 years old! I fell in love with the language because I found the signs to be so beautiful. Over the years I discovered that I have a knack for bringing the emotion of songs to both hearing and deaf people. Since then, I have been interpreting songs and entertaining audiences from all walks of life. I can't wait to bring my passion for sign to the Miss America stage.

What part of the upcoming Miss America pageant are you most nervous about?
I'm actually not nervous at all. I believe in taking every opportunity and making the most of it. If I was to go into this competition feeling nervous, then I really wouldn't be enjoying it. But, because I am trained and have practiced for months, I am ready and excited to take the Miss America Stage by storm. Watch out America, Vermont is coming in hot and ready to make a splash!

Who was your favorite Red Sox player growing up? Why?
I loved David Ortiz before he was really famous. I am not embarrassed to say that I still use an email address that has his name in it. But, Ted Williams will always have my heart.

Is Chris Sale the best Red Sox pitcher you’ve seen?
He's pretty great. For a lefty pitcher, he brings the heat. There's
nothing like that slider ball he throws.

This is the first Red Sox season in a while without David Ortiz. What’s your favorite Ortiz memory?
I liked when Ortiz got his 500th career home run against the Tampa Bay Rays!

How do you think the Red Sox will finish the 2017 season?

The Red Sox will finish the 2017 season being the World Series Champions, of course!


Of course!

Naturally, I want to thank Erin for taking the time to visit with us. I know that her schedule is incredibly busy, especially leading up to Miss America in a few weeks. I also want to thank her for sending along the great pictures of her at Fenway. (Luckily her visit occurred just after Vermont Day at Fenway.) 

I know you're going to want to keep up with Erin as she makes her way to Miss America and beyond. So, definitely check out her official Miss Vermont Facebook Page, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter accounts. She's everywhere!

And, of course, let's wish Erin good luck at Miss America! Last year Alissa finished in the top 15. Hopefully another visitor finishes at least that well!

Thanks again Erin!

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