
Friday, April 14, 2017

Sara Achorn Visits Section 36!

Section 36 has another visitor! Sara Achorn is a Red Sox fan, and the current Miss Plymouth County. She's getting ready to compete
for the Miss Massachusetts crown in just a couple months. Thankfully she was nice enough to take time out of her busy schedule and visit with us to discuss her time as Miss Plymouth County, the Red Sox, and more. 

So, let's see what happens when Sara Achorn visits Section 36!

What made you decide to compete for Miss Plymouth County?
Well of course, the crown is beautiful but it's everything that comes along with the crown. I love to give back to the community and people love having queens help out at different events!

Your platform is “Imperfection: Pushing the Importance of Body Positivity in Today’s Youth” Why is that important?
Body positivity is so important because we live in a very judgmental world and I was lacking support growing up and dealing with the way I looked. I want to be the girl I needed when I was a young girl.

You have a background performing in the theater. How did that experience help you in the Miss Plymouth County competition?
My theatre was definitely one of the most helpful things I could have done to prepare for this pageant. My theatre director is very big on thinking on your toes and going with the flow which is really helpful in interviews because you have to think on your toes and be prepared for anything that might get thrown your way.

You’ve sung at various venues, including the TD Garden. How is that different than singing for the talent portion of a competition?
If I'm being truly honest, it's not much different at all. I sang the
national Anthem at TD Garden for my high school basketball team's state championship game so I was in front of all of my peers. It's scary doing things in front of the people you go to school with because lets face it, high school kids are judgmental. In pageants, the judges are judging you in a positive way and are looking to help you improve so that would be the only difference. I'm still nervous as ever in both instances though!

What do you hope to accomplish during your time as Miss Plymouth County?
I am hoping to do lots and lots of appearances but on top of that I want to raise $2000 for the Children's Miracle Network. I am already at $1000 so I don't have far to go. I will be holding fundraisers in order to reach this goal. I really want to hold a Fenway Frank hotdog eating contest this summer before Miss Massachusetts in July because who doesn't love hodogs?!

The Red Sox just opened their season for the first time in a long time without David Ortiz on the roster. What’s your favorite Ortiz memory?
I know most people would talk about the very passionate speech he gave after the Boston Marathon bombing with his slightly vulgar language but no one pays attention to all of the charity work he does. He loves kids and loves to help other people. I love his passion about working with New England and Dominican Republic children's hospitals. He runs an organization called, "The David Ortiz Children’s Fund". It's things like this that we as the American people need to focus on with our celebrities.

Who is your favorite current Red Sox player? Why?
I really like Dustin Pedroia because he makes sure that he is a positive role model for his young fans. Some famous people make really dumb choices and don't give any kids reasons to look up to them but they do anyways. That's one of the reasons we have so many kids making bad decisions. They see their favorite pro doing it. You never hear about Pedroia doing things like that. Aside from that of course, he's a very good team player and works really hard at his craft. 

Is the Benintendi-Bradley-Betts trio the best outfield you’ve ever seen?
If I'm being quite honest, I don't pay attention THAT much to baseball but I asked my dad who is a huge fan and he said Rice-Lynn-Evans was the best he's ever seen.

How will the Red Sox finish the 2017 season?

Growing up in a house where the Red Sox is practically a religion, I'd be a disgrace if I didn't say I hope we win another World Series.


I agree, she'd definitely be a disgrace! Glad Sara had the right answer.

As always, I want to send a huge thank you to Sara for taking the time to visit with us. I hope you enjoyed it. Another big thanks for supplying so many great pictures to go along with the interview. They really make the interview much better than it would be otherwise.

If you'd like to keep up with Sara during her time as Miss Plymouth County, check out her official FacebookInstagram, and Twitter accounts. Really, you should.

And, of course, I want to wish Sara luck at the Miss Massachusetts competition in July! Hopefully another former Section 36 visitor will bring home that crown.

Thanks again Sara, and good luck!

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