
Friday, April 28, 2017

No, it Wasn’t an Excuse

People are desperate, aren’t they?

Yesterday, Xander Bogaerts was asked about the difficulty the team seems to have scoring runs. Last year, they scored runs in bunches. This year, not so much.

What’s the difference?

Xander simply answered. David Ortiz. 

Because, almost literally, that's the only difference between last year and this year. Leon? Same. Hanley, Pedroia, Xander? Same. Bradley? Betts? Same. Benintendi? Same as last September. Third base? Slightly different. Last year Panda was there some of the time, and a collection of goofballs was there some of the time. This year? Panda and a different collection of goofballs. I’ll admit, that is slightly different. So, of the nine batting positions, 7.5 of them are the exact same players as last year. The only position that’s completely different? David Ortiz.

It was almost literally the only correct answer Xander could have given.

He did go on to say how valuable David Ortiz is to a line-up. Is anyone going to argue with that? He was a pretty valuable guy. Xander finished by saying that the team needed to move on without him and get the job done.

How has this been turned into whining about David Ortiz? How has this been turned into complaining about roster decisions? How has this been turned into excuse making?

He gave the most accurate answer to a question you’ll ever see. In fact, the answer is so obvious, I wonder why it was asked. Was it just in order to turn it into complaining? Was the reaction story written before there was something to react to? 

If Xander had answered anything other than “David Ortiz” I would have questioned it. Why is he dancing around the elephant in the room? Has he been instructed to pretend Ortiz didn’t exist? Have there been rules put in place to only look forward?

But he didn’t. He gave the correct answer. And people don’t like it.

I think that’s their problem, not his.

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