
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Pinterest: Section 36 Feeling Social

Continuing the series of different ways you can connect with Section 36, today I thought I’d touch on Pinterest.

Section 36 has had a Pinterest account for about 3 years now. Did you know that? I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't. I've said that I understood why people might use Snapchat, but I didn't understand why a blog would until recently. For Pinterest, I'm still not sure why anyone would use it. (Seriously...what's the point?) But, that doesn't mean that I shouldn't allow people to follow Section 36,

and to see something useful when they do! 

To that end, I added some boards to the Section 36 account for you to check out and, hopefully, follow. I'll be adding for pins to them as we move along so they'll be something you'll enjoy watching grow.

So, I'll pin my book reviews, or interviews, or other fun ideas that I come across.

So, head to Pinterest and join in on all the fun we'll be having!

But, only if you follow Section 36 first!

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