
Friday, January 22, 2016

Two Weeks!

Yup, that's right!

Just two weeks remain in the 2015 Section 36 Scavenger Hunt!

That's not a lot of time, so you'd better get started on your entries if you haven't already!

Buy, at the same time. Don;'t stress. Two weeks should give you plenty of time to find everything you need. After all, anyone reading this blog probably already has a good selection of items sitting around their house somewhere. Maybe you won't be able to schedule that trip to Boston to pick up those last couple items. But, most of them should be easy to find!

So, look in the basement for that ticket stub. Run to your local sporting goods store to find the jersey you need. Get crafty with an old t-shirt. 

Have fun with it! After all, that's the main point of the hunt!

And, don't forget, the winner gets all this great stuff!

How can you not pull together an entry?

Get out there now!

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