
Friday, January 15, 2016

Three Weeks!

Yes, you read that right. There are only three weeks left is the 2015 Section 36 Scavenger hunt!

I warned you. I trimmed down the time this year to cut down on slackers. I’d have to say that it’s worked. I’ve already had several pictures sent in, which is much earlier than they’ve ever been before!

That’s the good news for me. The good news for you is that while there have been entries, nobody been perfect. So, there’s plenty of room for your entry to improve, and plenty of time left for you to do it!

So, get out there. It’s a long weekend for many of you. Take advantage of the extra time, and see what you have around your house. Or make that trip to the sporting goods store to see what they have. Maybe even make that special trip to Fenway to knock off a couple of the tougher ones. 

I’ve loved every picture that’s been entered so far, and can’t wait to see the ones to come.

Get out there and take some pictures!

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