
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Mariano Rivera Live

With all the talk of Mariano Rivera’s son being drafted by a team not playing in NY, I thought it might be fun to see how Mariano Rivera Sr. performed while I was in the Park. So, I flipped through my scorebooks, and found seven games where the Sandman entered. Again, this might not be a complete total, but just the games I scored. I may have missed a game or two for one reason or another (Game 4 of the 2004 ALCS jumps to mind).

What surprised me was that it was only seven games. Since I had 24 Derek Jeter games, I would have expected Rivera to at least reach double digits. I guess that’s a good sign. Apparently the Yankees didn’t have very many save situations when I was there.

So, how did Rivera do? Take a look.


Not exactly utter domination. Sure, it works out to 46 saves if you stretch it out to a 65-game season. (By the way, I didn’t know what to consider a “full season” for a closer/reliever. Is there a better number than 65 games?) But, a 3.53 ERA doesn’t scream at me. 74 K’s in 51 innings is pretty good. But, for instance, take Koji in 2014. In 64 games he had a 2.52 ERA, striking out 80 in 64.1 innings. And that was supposed to be a down year for Koji. He only saved 26 games, after all, and people we calling for him to be removed from the role.

So, clearly Rivera was nothing special while I was there watching him. Maybe I made him nervous. It’s certainly one reason why I never really feared seeing him come into the game.

Just in case you cared.


  1. Always thought he was a lot of hype, but never really checked Rivera's numbers. Thanks for this.

    I think NY fans liked the whole Metallica intro music and the pageantry of his jaunt to the mount at Yankee Stadium.

  2. To be fair, all closers are a lot of hype. Rivera just more than most.
