
Sunday, November 23, 2014

From the Pedro Binder

1999 Topps Picture Perfect?

Do you see it?

I admit. I have to give Topps come credit here. Just for a little fun, they went in a different direction with their insert set. As the question mark implies, the picture may, or may not be, perfect. In this case, it's the latter.

Do you see it?

It's a fun little activity, at least the first time you see the card. What do I like about it? The name of the set on the card is hidden. A set with the name "Picture" in the title allows the picture to be the focal point. I like that. Even the gimmicky imperfect part doesn't detract from the overall effect. It's not like they replaced Pedro's head with the Incredible Hulk's.

Do you see it?

So, it makes for a great card. It's an insert, so I don't mind that it doesn't have things like Pedro's name, position, etc. I'll let the base card take care of that stuff. There are no foil spirals or zigzags to compete for my attention. There's nothing. It's simple, and wonderful with nothing in the way.

Except, of course, for the intentional "imperfection."

Do you see it?

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