
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Two Months Left!

The prize

That’s right, there are only two months remaining in the 2012 Section 36 Scavenger Hunt!

The bad news? More than a month of the contest has already passed by. The good news? It’s not nearly too late. You still have two full months to get out and find the items. You still have two months to take pictures and send them in to me. You still have time!

You don’t have to wait to send in all your pictures at once. Send them in as soon as you get them to make sure you don’t forget! Hate to have you miss out on a great book, and some great cards, just because you didn’t want to send me more than one e-mail.

Don’t feel overwhelmed. A good chunk of the items should be easy for anyone reading this blog to locate. A strong entry won’t take you months to put together. Frankly, I bet most of you have a good portion of these items sitting in your house as you read this. Take a winter afternoon and pull them out for a picture. If you’ve ever been to Fenway Park, you probably already have pictures of some of the items. You’re already well on your way.

Find those items!


  1. The Sox continue to outdo themselves. Each contract looks like more of a reach than the previous one. However, I do recall someone telling me more than once that when the team doled out ridiculous contracts before (the Beckett extension for one of several) that "hey, it's not my money". Where is that perspective now? These are good, not great, high character players that are on short money, which allows the team to invest a larger contract to great players when they become available. It also speaks to the extent of poor character that was residing in their clubhouse last year. Let's wait and see. If the Sox trade Ellsbury for Lee and sign Hamilton then how does the team look?

  2. It's not the fact that they're getting too much money...really. You're right that it's not my money. The only reason i mention it with the last two deals is that they traded away actually talented guys in order to have exra money. They then used this extra money to get guys less talented than the ones they had. (Victorino could be an exception if you consider him replacing Ross. In that case they overpaid Gomes to replace Crawford)

    If the Sox sign Hamilton and flip Ells for Lee, they look pretty good. Maybe better than last year's projected line-up. But, they could have just kept Crawford and Gonzalez, flipped Ells for Lee, and be better off than where they are now.
