
Friday, July 20, 2012

Why Does Wally Sit in a NY Chair?

I was contacted yesterday by someone who had just made a startling realization. She was watching the NESN broadcast of the game, and saw a shot of Wally resting comfortably in his custom Adirondack chair. An Adirondack chair? Those are from NY. How could that be? I looked it up, and Wikipedia agrees with her. Adirondack chairs originated in NY. (Not NYC, but still.) Has there ever been an explanation given as to why Wally would conduct such a treasonous act? I don’t watch many games on NESN, so I can’t be sure. Why can’t he watch games, instead, from a comfortable Boston rocker? We need answers!

Quite a game last night. I was so worried that the Sox were gong to waste a spectacular performance from Clay Buchholz. Just when the Sox needed a strong outing from a starting pitcher, they got one. It would have been a shame if they lost the game 1-0 anyway. It’s actually too bad that Buchh got the no-decision. It means the EEIdiots can still look at a sub par record for the starting rotation. “The Red Sox may be such and such after the break, but their starters are…” I’ll certainly take the win though. Look at that ninth inning. Hits by Crawford and Gonzalez to get the winning run on base. They deserve some credit for doing what needed to be done in an important spot. And, of course, Ross did all he needed, and more. What a tear he’s on at the moment. With Papi down, extra power needed to come from somewhere. Ross obviously got the memo.

I still chuckle at the idea of Pedro Ciriaco as the designated hitter.

Toronto comes in, sans Jose Bautista. Shouldn’t have much trouble finishing this homestand off strong on their way out to Texas. It would be nice to have some momentum going before heading off.

It’s sure a lot of fun.


  1. I think you should contact Jerry Remy and ask him why he allows Wally to sit in that NY chair.
    Someone may need to talk with Wally to make sure he is a true blue fan of the Red Sox Nation.

  2. Westport, NY: Way closer to Boston than the Bronx.

    1903: The year the chair was invented AND the year the Red Sox won the first World Series.

    Adirondack bats used by many major leaguers, including Red Sox.

    And finally, the smoking gun I was looking for: "Gilborn traces the design of the Westport chair to the Lee family of Massachusetts, who spent their summers in Westport, N.Y., on the shores of Lake Champlain at the edge of the Adirondack region."

    The inventor was FROM Mass., he just vacationed in Westport, NY.

    (That same 1985 article uses quotes from a descendant of Thomas Lee named Mary Lee. Of course, we all know Quint in Jaws recited the poem that started "Here lies the body of Mary Lee, lived to the age of 103..."

    And we all know Jaws was filmed in Massachusetts, and...103? 1903? Coincidence?

    I think everything will be fine.
