
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Two-Week Notice!

That’s right. There are only two weeks remaining in the 2011 Section 36 Scavenger hunt! Hopefully you are all scurrying about trying to find those last few items. Remember, you only have to find and photograph the items. You don’t need to own them. A few years ago, Kayla was able to turn a trip to the mall into a second place finish. It’s that easy!

Remember, along with the item(s), every picture needs one of the following three things in it:
     You, or
     The address of this blog written somewhere, or
     The Section 36 logo

After all, I need to know you took the picture, as opposed to stealing it from somewhere. I know that there are probably other ways to prove you found the item and took the picture. But, I’m making the rules.

Has everyone been having fun with this? That’s the whole idea, after all.

Two Weeks Left!

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