
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

As a Red Sox fan, it feels good to turn the calendar away from the disaster that was the 2011 season, and face 2012 head-on. It should be a lot of fun. This is a day when everyone reflects on their life. They think about the good things, and cringe at the bad. It’s a great time to hold onto what you like, and try to change what you don’t. Here at Section 36, I’m not above jumping on a good idea. So, what are my new year’s reflections? Reflection from the Section, you might say? (But, probably won’t)

For me personally, as a Red Sox fan I think the year went well. I was able to make it to seven games at Fenway this season. That’s a number that I find works pretty well for me. I was able to add some star players to my “seen live” list, including Adrian Gonzalez. I was able to attend throwback night when the Cubs came to Fenway. I was even able to visit my fourth park when I made it to PNC in June. I didn’t get to see the Sox play, but it was still a grand time. For 2012? I’d love more of the same. I’d love to make it to another six or seven game in Fenway. I expect to get the most out of the Fenway's 100 seasons celebration that I can, even though I can’t imagine I’ll be at the birthday game. Hopefully I’ll be able to see some players I haven’t seen before…especially Andrew Bailey. Most of all, I’d like to see a playoff game. Of course, wouldn’t we all.

As a Red Sox collector, I’m also quite pleased with the year. I was able to add what I think are some nice pieces to my collection. Through some trades with the wonderful blogging community, I was able to add quite a few oddities that were missing from my sets. I imagine that I speak for lots of us when I say that in 2012 I want to streamline my collection, and give it more focus. I sense that I’m casting too wide of a net over the recent releases. Maybe I don’t need Topps, Topps Chrome, Topps Opening Day, Topps Target, and Topps Wal-Mart. Maybe I should trim a few of those, and chase down older things instead. I’d love to be able to add some tobacco cards to my collection or other unique cards that are out there. With all the Fenway 100 years merchandise that is available, I’m sure I’ll be adding some of that to my Sox collection as well. Hopefully I’ll be able to show at least some restraint in that area. I also want to make a lot more trades this year. I think they’re a great way for everyone to improve their collections.

As a blogger, 2011 was an exciting time. Section 36 made it up to 81 followers, so at least some people thing I’m doing a decent job. I’m also pleased with the success of the Pix from 36 feature. I want to thank everyone who shared their pictures from the Section this year. As a goal for 2012, I’d love those contributions to continue. So, I guess it’s really a goal for all of you. Keep the pictures coming! I’d also like to expand my I Scored posts to include more scorecards from all of you. Once again, that’s your goal, not mine. So send in your scans of scorecards! And, speaking of keeping score…don't forget my official scorecard. The more people who use it, the faster I can make it better. With any luck, I’ll also reach 100 followers this year. More help please! As for things I can control, I have some of those too. I want to try and put out the quality, and quantity. It will be a delicate balance. But, I’ll do my best. I also want to be even more of a presence on other blogs through comments, and the like. The more everyone gets out to everyone else, the better. 

I think that covers it. Here’s to a great 2012 everyone!

(Except Yankees fans)