
Sunday, October 16, 2011

The First Fall Classic, By: Mike Vaccaro

In the early years of the baseball world series, it was simple an exhibition game between the champions of the two leagues. The interest in the competition beyond the gamblers was questionable. That all changed in 1912 when the Boston Red Sox defeated the New York Giants. That series had stars. That series had intrigue. That series had back and forth action, and controversy. It was when all of America realized just how wonderful this little baseball series was. It was the point where the world series became the World Series.

I admit. My knowledge of the early 20th century Red Sox is limited. Some of it’s not my fault. There’s not a lot of information that has survived. And, what little is available has been shoved down my throat continuously. (If I hear one more time why Nuf Ced McGreevy was called Nuf Ced, I may choke on my Red Sox Nation membership card.) But, this book escapes that trap. It was a thrilling read. It followed the 1912 series so it felt like I was there. I was anxious when the games were close, and pleased when the Red Sox came out on top. It was fascination to see how all the players interacted with each other. Vaccaro didn’t hold anything back. Gamblers were mentioned as willingly as Gamers. It really felt like I was in a time machine transported back almost 100 years to one of the most exciting events I could see. I can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t read this book. Do yourself a favor and pick it up.

Rating: 4 bases.

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