
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Opening Day Pix from 36!

A few loyal readers were fantastic enough to send in some pictures they took on Opening Day in Section 36. I could bore you with a long discussion, but I figured it would make sense to just jump right in.

The first two are from Jere over at A Red Sox Fan from Pinstripe Territory. He snuck over to Section 36 before the game, and took a couple shots. One shows a little bit of the pregame activities. The other is a nice artistic shot of the seats in the Section.

The next photo is from Kristen of fame. She shared a picture of the seats around her way up in Section 36. I like how both Jere and Kristen got the “Section 36” label on the back wall in their pictures. They’re both great shots that I should probably hang on a wall or something.

The last picture is from loyal reader Sean. This shot is a bit closer to gametime, since the stands are starting to fill up.

So, thank you to all three of them for sharing their Pix from 36! I’ll put them all together on a page with the others that have come in already so everyone can enjoy them.

And, keep sending in your own Pix from 36!

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