
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dwight Evans. Manny Ramirez. Jack Bauer.

Yup. 24. That’s how many hours are left until the conclusion of the 2010 Section 36 Scavenger Hunt! So, get your entries in! And, once your entry is in, feel free to remind your friends.

It’s probably too late to assume you’ll find more items. It’s time to get the entries in before you miss out. If you submit it now, and then stumble upon another item in an hour, you can just send that one in on its own. Don’t hold up the whole entry because of hope. We all want to see what you have!

As always if you’ve forgotten what the items are, or if you’re extremely late to the party, you can find the list by clicking the link above or on the sidebar.

Good Luck!

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