
Friday, December 3, 2010

Salty Captain

Yup. That looks like it will be the catching tandem for the 2010 Red Sox. Is that a problem? Well, yes and no.

Yes, it’s a problem. Neither of those guys is Victor Martinez. Neither of those guys will put up the numbers he did from the catcher’s spot. Heck, combined those two guys might not put up the numbers that Victor did. So, yeah, that’s a bit of a problem. But…it’s not exactly horrible. It’s different having a light-hitting catcher than, say, a light-hitting first baseman. Hardly any teams have catchers that can hit. Having one is a great bonus…but not having one isn’t putting yourself in a hole. Sort of like not having a solid fifth starter. Who does?

And, it could be good. Salty was considered good once. As I mentioned when I was talking about the Giants championship, talent often sticks around. Players who were a main part of a trade package for Mark Teixeira had some talent. He could still have some talent. It probably won’t show up as an all-star birth. But, Salty could be a solid addition to the line-up. Not great. Not an awful choice for the eighth spot though. After all, someone needs to bat at the bottom of the order, right?

The important part of this catching decision is what it now allows Theo to do. The Red Sox can go all year with Salty-Tek if that means they add Adrian Gonzalez, or Carl Crawford, or another major bat to the team. Theo has made his cost saving decision. He can’t make another one. He can’t stick his finger in any more holes in the roster. His next holes need to be filled by solid concrete.

Your move, Theo.


  1. I'm liking the moves so far. I think V-Mart is a good player but by the end of that contract Detroit will not be happy. (I am scratching my head at non-tendering Miller though)

    To me the only hole we have right now is 3rd/1st and bullpen. I really hope we don't trade the farm for Gonzalez. Yes he is a great player but I don't see him as the "must have" the media does. I would like to see either Beltre or Konerko fill that spot. I wouldn't count on Theo to quit saving money though cause could see them saving money by getting someone like Kouzmanoff as a one year player while they wait for Gonzalez to hit free agency.

    I'm guessing that they non-tethered Miller and T Buchholz to open up space on the 40 man to sign some pen arms that were not offered arbutration, like Guerrero and Raunch. Would love to see Jenks but doubt it will happen.

    I don't think we need an outfielder at all. Drew will be as consistant as he has every year (and did you notice he was the one guy that didn't hurt last year), Ellsbury will be healed and ready to play, and Kalish showed he can play everyday. Yes Crawford/Werth would be nice but not a must have by any means.

  2. The outfielder pursuit baffles me. Aren't we pretty well stocked in that department.

    I don't have a problem giving up the farm for someone like Gonzalez. I'll trade potential for talent any day of the week.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This should make you happy.

  5. Very happy. That's pretty much the best move that could be made. Giving up three maybes we don't need for a definite that we do. If Theo just added a bullpen arm from here, the Sox'll be all set.
