
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Well then…

I guess that just about does it. The Red Sox were thiiiiis close to stealing a playoff spot from one of the healthy teams. It almost worked. It almost happened. But, in the end, there just wasn’t enough. Of course, not the Sox will probably win out, and everyone else will lose making the difference at the end of the year a game or two. Just to be extra annoying.

When a season comes down to the wire like this, you can’t help but look at the what-ifs. What if Theo hadn’t quit on the team? What if Pedroia hadn’t rushed back from his foot injury? What id Johnny Damon wasn’t an idiot? What if the Sox had added relievers in the second half instead of getting rid of them? What if the major league team was as important as the minor league team? If only.

I must say, I was a little surprised to see pictures this morning of the Yankees in celebration mode. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, they only clinched the wild card…right? Haven’t we been told for year that wild card celebrations are for other teams? Only the loser from Boston would celebrate a playoff birth. A dynasty like New York only gets excited about a World Championship. Anything other than that just gets a handshake and a pat on the back. Or, were we being lied to all those years?

For those that missed last night, the second half of Ken Burns’s Tenth Inning is tonight. It would appear that this would be the good half for Sox fans. Expect plenty of Pedro dominance, and Red Sox world championships.

Go Rays!

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