
Monday, April 5, 2010

Pitching and Defense

I know it’s only one game, but does Theo get to say, “I told you so”? All winter he’s been hearing from the EEIdiots that his offense won’t score enough runs to be competitive. He’s been steadfastly saying that run prevention is just as good as run scoring. As long as you score more runs than the other team, you win the game. Which is exactly what happened last night. The Sox had just enough firepower to outscore the defending champions. Of course, the score wasn’t supposed to be 9-7.

Anyone with half a brain knew the Sox would score some runs. I’ve said before that I myself, keep forgetting just how good Youkilis and Martinez are. They’ll score runs. They scored runs last night off the Yankees ace. They came back from a big deficit late. They did everything thing they were supposed to do, and some things they weren’t supposed to do. The balanced attack was getting people on base, and driving them home. They were scoring on sac flies, and past balls, and singles, and even homers. There was no break for the pitcher. Everybody was just as likely to do damage as the next guy. Well, everybody except Jacoby. It was a perfect example of what could happen with this team.

The defense was also just as advertised. Players were getting to balls in the gap, and in the holes. Youkilis was saving errors with great scoops at first. The Yankees didn’t get any extra outs that I saw.

The pitching? Well, that was another story. Beckett struggled a bit. I’m not really worried about that. I have no doubt that he’ll be the ace we expect him to be. Facing the Yankees with an umpire with a tight strike zone doesn’t always work out so well. Sabathia found that the same holds true when facing the Sox. When you have to groove it to be a strike against a patient team, bad things happen to pitchers. I wouldn’t think either starter would make a habit of last night’s results.

So, what did last night’s game mean? Not a flippin’ thing. Well, one thing. The Sox only need to win 99 more games to get to 100. Other than that? A win is better than a loss, but it’s not setting any tones. It doesn’t mean the division. It doesn’t mean the offense is set, or that the pitching needs help. It means that the Sox had a good game, and there’s hope for the rest of the season.

I’ve been to enough games now, that I rarely see things happen that I really wish I was in the park for. Last night, though, I wish I had been there to welcome back Pedro. That must have been amazing.

Maybe after his Hall of Fame induction I’ll get another chance.


  1. It was so fun to see Pedro... love a guy that can crack himself up, which he did by pretending he needed to move closer to home plate to throw the first pitch.

  2. It's kinda funny when the trends take hold.

    Several years ago it became all about batters who walked.

    Now it's all about good defense.

    The problem is eventually all teams try to follow the trend and it makes it a non-story and non-advantage. The most money will dominate whatever the current trend is, usually

  3. Pedro loves the limelight, that's for sure. I miss having him in the dugout.

    The most money certainly has an advantage when it comes to the current trends. Yet another reason MLB needs a cap-type system. Until then, at least being cutting edge will help a little bit.
