
Thursday, February 18, 2010

And the Winner is…

Congratulations to Jere from RI (author of the fine Sox blog: A Red Sox Fan from Pinstripe Territory) for being the 2009 Section 36 Scavenger Hunt Champion!

It was a tight race for a while there, but Jere’s entry swooped in and had the most items found. He even created a blog specifically to hold the entry pictures. Now, that’s dedication! Here are a few of my favorite examples from Jere’s submission...

A tiebreaker wasn't needed, but this picture would have sealed it. 21 items in one piture!

There's a rule somewhere that says everyone needs a picture with this statue.

Good thing I picked gate C!

Just like I suggested. Hard to tell, but the 2009 wall must have Rice on it.

That's a pretty cool tattoo! I wonder where it is.

Great job! Thanks to everyone who played along.

Congratulations again Jere!


  1. Congratulations!

    I pass the scavenger hunt torch to you.

    I am sure that Sec 36 is much happier having it in your hands as opposed to my pinstriped appendages.

    Congrats to Sec. 36 on a great online activity. One helpful hint: You gotta figure out something cool to give away to make it a bit more interesting. Phil Hughes gave away a signed hat for his contest. You might have to do better since I do not think anyone would want your scribble on a hat, but I am sure you can come up with something.

  2. Why would anyone want a signed Phil Hughes hat?

  3. Wow! That's a lot of work! I'm impressed!
