
Monday, May 19, 2008

Wet and Wild Weekend

I was finally able to make it back to another game at Fenway. I came up with a couple thoughts as a result.

It was nice to see up and coming stars in Prince Fielder and Ryan Braun. I was glad to have the chance to add them to the list of stars I’ve been able to see in person. I’ll have to actually compile that list at some point.

I was surprised to hear Papelbon’s “entrance” song was still Wild Thing. They wait until he’s actually introduced into the game to play I’m Shipping Up to Boston. It’s a shame.

The All Star ballots were at the game. I detest the fan ballot system. I wrote to Bud Selig on the matter, but haven’t seen my suggestions implemented. I’ll post a copy of the letter I sent later. For now we’re stuck with the voting system as it is. At least do your part and vote, either at the park or online.

Dice-K pitched a masterful game. He seems to be putting more of them together these days. perhaps that is why someone actually asked him after the game if he was the Red Sox ace. His answer is the one I’m sure most fans would give. He’d like to keep on winning, but he considers the Red Sox ace to be Josh Beckett. I thought it was laughable that someone actually asked the question. Then I started to wonder…is he the ace? Listening to the EEI talking heads, not even close. But, look at the numbers. He has a league leading 7 wins. He’s third in the league in ERA, and has a fair number of strikeouts. Is there more you can expect from an ace? When I was talking to a buddy “Stock the Yankee Fan” once about another pitcher, I explained that he was struggling during a game since it was only the third inning, and he had already given up a couple runs. Stock looked at me and said, “Boy, Pedro has just ruined you, hasn’t he” Is that what’s happening with Dice-K? We all remember Pedro simple shutting down other teams in a way baseball has never seen. Does that make me consider other pitchers not up to snuff? Imagine Dice-K ends up the season leading the league in wins, third in ERA and top 10 in strikeouts. Wouldn’t that by Cy Young caliber? I get the feeling that if that happened, Dice might win the Cy but wouldn’t get either of the Boston writer’s votes. Even Beckett last year wasn’t Pedro-dominant. He piled up a lot of wins with a pretty good ERA, and should have won the Cy. Does it matter that Dice makes it interesting along the way? Are we determined to slam him because everyone talks about the $100 million the Sox spent on him? (I don’t know why people insist on adding in the $50 mil posting fee. That was made up in no time off the field) What is it about Dice-K that makes everyone turn away from the numbers? In the sixth inning yesterday, Dice gave up a lead-off single followed by a double. The next three batters? Strikeout, strikeout, flyout. Would Pedro have done any better? I don’t think so. Give Dice a break. He’s going to be fun to watch.

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